muses of the moment

May 26, 2010

Excellent video from Sprott

Groovygirl gives three cheers for this excellent video!! This video has it all, why we should care about Europe crisis, the coming impact of sovereign debt, and why you should own gold. Excellent….(2 videos at 10 min. each). Click here. Listen to this video twice, three times. All the information you need is there to understand what is happening and will be happening in the next 5-10 years.

groovygirl says: you do not have to be a financial economist to understand what is going on, it is common sense. What you do have to understand: what we have been taught about how economies work will be blown away. How you have been taught to invest (by the financial industry) in the last 30 years will not work in the next 20 years.  A major paradigm shift is happening now.

Side musing: As always, Max Keiser articulates our anger for us : Jim Richards makes an appearance to talk about fraud. Click here.

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